Hide Trackbacks is a WordPress plugin that hides pingbacks and trackbacks from your website comments.
The minimum supported WordPress version is now 5.0 and I've bumped up the version to indicate it is tested against the upcoming 5.4 release.
Senior Web Engineer. Open web / music. Remote DJ. Tall Dutch guy. #3million
Hide Trackbacks is a WordPress plugin that hides pingbacks and trackbacks from your website comments.
The minimum supported WordPress version is now 5.0 and I've bumped up the version to indicate it is tested against the upcoming 5.4 release.
Cuttlefish is a PHP based hackable blog framework -- with the goals of being fast, easily hackable, and easy to adopt. I've been working on it since 2012, when it was known as Carbon. It can generate a static HTML site for uploading anywhere, or run dynamically.
Version 0.4 licenses the code as MIT, so anyone can build on top of the project. Cuttlefish now has API documentation courtesy of PHPDox, which is updated whenever code is changed. I've changed the code style from 'WordPress-like' to the PHP community default of PSR12. The project now comes with a Docker container which means getting up and running is even easier.
Install Cuttlefish is easy using the instructions. For a fuller list of changes see https://
Known issue: I still have trouble getting Xdebug to work, if you're familiar with Docker Compose and Xdebug I could use your help.
For v0.5, now that the codebase is in a better state, I'm looking at adding more features again.
When the permalink format is set to %category%/%postname%/
then a post is available under category/postname links for all categories, as well as under all parent/child/postname links.
If you use Yoast SEO and have set a primary category, that becomes the canonical URL that's used for SEO. If you don't then the postname for whatever category has a lower ID (was created first) becomes the canonical URL.
When running a WordPress multisite, in the site directory each site has a Last Updated property. I previously incorrectly assumed this reflected when the site's metadata changed, for example the site's attributes. However, archiving and deactivating a site does not change the Last Updated value, so what does it do in WordPress 5.2.1?
As usual the best place to look is the WordPress codebase. It turns out that, on a multisite, this value is updated whenever a post is updated or deleted. It reflects the last content update, not the site's metadata.
By inspecting the html and looking up the property name, we find that the function that updates this is called wpmu_update_blogs_date
and there is an action hook wpmu_blog_updated that receives the site_id
variable. This function can be called whenever we want to update the value. It isn't used anywhere else.
If we're looking to update this date whenever the site's status changes, then via the same process it appears that he actions to hook into site attribute updates are in wp_maybe_transition_site_statuses_on_update
so one could write a quick mu-plugin that updates the Last Updated property whenever these fire.
Hide Trackbacks is a WordPress plugin that hides pingbacks and trackbacks from your website comments.
I’ve updated the plugin to indicate it works correctly with WordPress 4.9.9 and earlier. It's now also up to PHP 7.2 compatible, and has a number of small fixes to improve code legibility and alignment with the WordPress Coding Standards.
The Classic Editor plugin will be officially supported until December 31, 2021.
Since the Classic Editor plugin is central in this transition, we are considering including it with upgrades to WordPress 5.0.
In the context of my professional work with WordPress it would be beneficial to see the Classic Editor plugin be included by default into the installation package. This would signal to plugin and theme developers that we are in a transition phase but supporting the existing installations, until Gutenberg is more fully accepted by the wider community. Not doing do could put pressure on smaller developers to just test their updates for Gutenberg only, resulting in a lot of broken sites or a security nightmare where people won’t be able to update to the latet versions of WordPress or their plugins until the teams and processes are ready.
Hide Trackbacks is a WordPress plugin that hides pingbacks and trackbacks from your website comments.
I've updated the plugin to indicate it works correctly with WordPress 4.9 and earlier.
Hide Trackbacks is a WordPress plugin that hides pingbacks and trackbacks from your website comments.
I've updated the plugin to indicate it works correctly with WordPress 4.2.
Manton Reece has been having very interesting discussions about microblogging and content ownership recently. He's working on an unannounced project in this area and I've been following his progress.
A few days ago he wrote a post about Microblogging with Wordpress in which he describes most of the process of writing your status updates on your own blog first. As I had to adapt his process for it to work with my configuration of WordPress and as I am using Twitter instead of App.net I thought it would be useful to detail how I went about, based on Manton's write-up.
In order to post only the status updates to twitter, we have to identify them in both WordPress and for IFTTT.
In Wordpress, if you do not have a category for status updates, create a Snippets category (with the slug snippets). Note the category ID. In addition, create a new category called ifttt-status if you plan to post to Wordpresss from your mobile device later, as I did (this is a workaround to allow WordPress to convert from this category to the status post format).
With the category ID, we can now create a new feed by editing the .htaccess file in your WordPress installation directory, see my gist comment on manton's configuration. I had redirection issues with Manton's original setup so I amended it. What we do here is create two endpoints, one for posts without status updates (rss.xml); and one for only status updates (snippets.xml). We then point any requests to /feed (the default WordPress endpoint) to the first endpoint.
Update (26 June): I updated the gist comment after identifying issues in initial configuration. Please reread the gist if you had problems using the initial configuration.
Now create a new recipe that is triggered from the snippets RSS feed, with the action to post a tweet with the tweet text EntryContent.
You can now blog from WordPress to twitter (just leave the title empty).
I'm using DoNote to post to IFTTT which then posts to WordPress.
Login to your WordPress blog and in the users section create a ifttt user with the role of Author (this allows the user to create posts).
Install the "IFTTT Post Formats & Post Types" plugin, it will convert posts with the ifttt-status category to the status post-format. It will also hide the ifttt-status category from showing up in your template for example.
Back in IFTTT, In the My Recipe's DoNote section, create a new recipe for WordPress (you might get asked to provide the WordPress username and password you created for this purpose) with the action to create a post with the following values:
You are not limited to using DoNote if there is a trigger for your service, and you are not limited to usin IFTTT at all if there are WordPress plugins for your status update service and WordPress support for your writing app, but these will require similar configuration as detailed in this post.
Hope this helps!
I've switched this site to HTTPS, a secure connection, using a ssl proxy service provided for free by Cloudflare, for reasons. Let me know if you come across any issues.
For those using WordPress, changing the settings Site Address and WordPress Address to HTTPS may make your site unavailable. FYI, the solution I settled on is to install the WordPress HTTPS plugin. Then I set the Site Address to HTTPS. Finally, I cleared the cache. All is working fine now.
Update (06/02/15):
I've moved away from Cloudflare as my DNS provider and as a side-effect this means I'm no longer HTTPS for now. Sorry.
My Hide Trackbacks #wordpress plugin is now compatible with version 4.1 (wordpress.org/plugins/hide-t…) Keep referrers, stop spam comments.
Trying to figure out how to download all my past tweets using Twitter Tools for #WordPress
This is the simplest way to add a page redirection feature to your WordPress theme.
First, create a new theme file called redirect.php with the following contents:
Template Name: Redirect
header('Location: ' . get_the_content());
To create a new redirection page:
The aim for wordpress-basetheme is a bare bones, well structured, easily customisable WordPress base theme.
You can build on it to speed up your own theme development. It's so minimal that I wouldn't recommend it as your final site theme. Instead it makes it trivial to apply your design to a WordPress blog, or to build out from this starting point. This site is build on top of the project for example.
Version 1.1 is now available
Download | View on GitHub
Your feedback is welcome.
I've released a first look at "Wordpress Base Theme", a bare bones base for your own themes:
You can build on this to speed up your own theme development.
If you are looking for guidance on how how to format your code, you could do worse than to base it this coding standards styleguide.
I wish all Wordpress Plugins had their settings in ONE menu, and all entries in this Plugin Settings menu MUST be named identically to the plugin.
Not "broken links" plugin with settings -> permalinks -> "link checker" because I will never find it.
Time for a wordpress plugin settings corrector plugin
Sends an E-Mail to one or multiple E-Mail Addresses if new versions of plugins are available. My patch got accepted which adds an option for a single notification per plugin change instead one per 12 hours.
Introducing Hide Trackbacks - You can have the benefits of track/ping backs (know when someone writes about posts) whilst keeping the comments clean and uncluttered.
After enabling the plugin, trackbacks and pingbacks are no longer shown on your posts and the comment count is updated correctly to reflect this. You can still access them via the admin panel. NOTE: Although the plugin officially requires WordPress 3.1.2 it might very well work on older WordPress versions (if it does please let me know).
Derived from original code created by Honey Singh (used with permission of the author).
Installation is simple:
Download link and information:
Wordpress.org Hide Trackbacks
Update: This plugin is no longer available.
We’re using a customized version of WordPress as an electronic portfolio for students and we are using WP List Files to make documents available on the ePortfolio. Unfortunately the WordPress support forums seem to hide my topic (possibly because it's an older version) and the author is no longer supporting the plugin.
Due to time constraints, these plugins are no longer supported and will not be updated, ever! Unless you know what you’re doing, I strongly discourage using these on a production blog since they have not been tested since WordPress 2.5.
The plugin didn't work in version 2.0.3 that we are using because the wp_enqueue_script function does not exist in this version (the codex page does not say when this function was added). Anyway after manually adding the JavaScript to the theme's head element the plugin almost worked fine - links didn't take our folder structure into account.
joeblogs.com</dir specified in post or page>
doesn't work:
allblogs.com/blogs/joebloggs</dir specified in post of page>
Fix it by replacing line 231 to read:
$files .= '
- wpurl').$item['link'].'">'.$itemName.''.
The hyperlink created for the item didn’t have the complete blog URL in it. It assumed the blog was installed in the root of the domain. After this fix the plugin works fine.