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Cuttlefish v0.4 Released

Cuttlefish is a PHP based hackable blog framework -- with the goals of being fast, easily hackable, and easy to adopt. I've been working on it since 2012, when it was known as Carbon. It can generate a static HTML site for uploading anywhere, or run dynamically.

Version 0.4 licenses the code as MIT, so anyone can build on top of the project. Cuttlefish now has API documentation courtesy of PHPDox, which is updated whenever code is changed. I've changed the code style from 'WordPress-like' to the PHP community default of PSR12. The project now comes with a Docker container which means getting up and running is even easier.

Install Cuttlefish is easy using the instructions. For a fuller list of changes see

Known issue:  I still have trouble getting Xdebug to work, if you're familiar with Docker Compose and Xdebug I could use your help.

For v0.5, now that the codebase is in a better state, I'm looking at adding more features again.


My hackable blog framework is nearing a 0.4 milestone and I’m very excited to have containerised the project and added basic API documentation using phpDox. Sneak preview the master branch at


Conditional .gitconfig

Add the following lines to ~/.gitconfig to load configuration only for repositories within a certain location:

[includeIf "gitdir:~/dev/work/"]
path = ~/dev/work/.gitconfig

For example, this can be used to set work email and signing keys. 


Added a quick example to the wp_schedule_event() codex page as all the examples provided are broken in some way.


I didn't know that Chassis extensions can be installed globally


Conversations From Calais

Everyone is connected. 


Started something that potentially might simplify WordPress development.



I was looking for a tool to help me filter open application windows and Contexts seems to deliver just that, as well as a nice sidebar which acts as a mini-dock on all monitors.


I’m looking for a macOS tool that intercepts opening URLs and let me specificy regexes and associate them with browsers, so that when I open certain links from slack they always go into my project browser. Any ideas?


It turns out Breakmaster Cylinder's full discography ( is the perfect music to do creative work to.


JIRA Distraction

JIRA Distraction

The best time to get the user to take a feature tour of a new interface is when they're trying to think about writing their ticket? That gives me no confidence inthe rest of their redesign.



Staying focused

If you follow this blog you will have noticed that I've commented multiple times on needless distractions that seem to have pervaded modern computing. Today, let's present a few solutions.

Firstly, when in the flow of doing deep work, watching animations delay your actions can be a source of frustration. While we can't speed up GitHub, we can speed up macOS. In the accessibility settings, check Display > Reduce Motion. This will speed up the interface and Mission Control animations. If you miss the garishness, you can turn it back off but chances are you will notice the system not getting in the way as much.

Secondly a tip for fellow Homebrew users. When you're ready to work through that difficult project tooling setup, it can be the worst time for Homebrew to decide to update it self, especially as this can take up to half a minute depending on how far behind your version is. Not now Homebrew! If you follow the instructions at Homebrew Autoupdate you can setup Homebrew to update itself in the background.

Finally, if you're using oh-my-zsh or bash equivalent, there will be a setting for it to update itself without prompting. Edit .zshrc and add DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT="true". I've not had any issues.

Cheers to a focused work experience!


Thinking whether to renew happens to be the best .log file viewer I've ever used, for any logs - not just macOs system ones.


>Some opt-outs may fail due to your browsers cookies settings. If you would like to set opt-out preferences using this tool you must allow third party cookies in your browser settings.

How to fail your GDPR legislation TrustArc / Truste. Consent is opt-in.


Saw on the news a train season ticket between Glasgow and Edinburgh is now £4200 a year. That’s £350 a month. For comparison, leasing a brand new Honda Jazz starts at £155 a month.


It seems that HomeBrew on Linux is a good way to install newer packages without having to trust PPA authors.


Tracking impacts your human rights to identify yourself

This is well put and worth thinking about.

Generally speaking, tracking takes away your ability to represent who you are yourself in the current moment. Your identity is how you are perceived by others. People won't appreciate this until they've lost it, but anyone who has been the victim of for example online bullying or stalking will recognise it. 


Online tracking is a form of tracking, which is a automated profiling, which is a limited form of mass surveillance. 


The modern web is becoming unusable

The question is: At which point do we reach the breaking point?

And I think the answer is: We are very close.

I think this applies for all of computing. All the notifications, ads, start menu items, unique identifiers that one must disable to work in peace, is draining our collective energy and attention. 


Pseudo elements and states are adding complexity to web design and are best uses sparingly. Every one adds a mode that must be tested individually and this adds up.