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Staying focused

If you follow this blog you will have noticed that I've commented multiple times on needless distractions that seem to have pervaded modern computing. Today, let's present a few solutions.

Firstly, when in the flow of doing deep work, watching animations delay your actions can be a source of frustration. While we can't speed up GitHub, we can speed up macOS. In the accessibility settings, check Display > Reduce Motion. This will speed up the interface and Mission Control animations. If you miss the garishness, you can turn it back off but chances are you will notice the system not getting in the way as much.

Secondly a tip for fellow Homebrew users. When you're ready to work through that difficult project tooling setup, it can be the worst time for Homebrew to decide to update it self, especially as this can take up to half a minute depending on how far behind your version is. Not now Homebrew! If you follow the instructions at Homebrew Autoupdate you can setup Homebrew to update itself in the background.

Finally, if you're using oh-my-zsh or bash equivalent, there will be a setting for it to update itself without prompting. Edit .zshrc and add DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT="true". I've not had any issues.

Cheers to a focused work experience!