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Senior Web Engineer. Open web / music. Remote DJ. Tall Dutch guy. #3million



I’ve FINALLY setup a BookStack instance (trivial, once I sorted out a Let's Encrypt issue) for reference documentation. Find it at The ‘pages’ functionality for Known is pretty weak, and I think Bookstack will give me a good organisational structure by default, rather than hacking around in other systems. The Braindump will help me note down things I learn and collate my snippets.

I'll move my reference documentation from my site into it over time.


Cuttlefish v0.4 Released

Cuttlefish is a PHP based hackable blog framework -- with the goals of being fast, easily hackable, and easy to adopt. I've been working on it since 2012, when it was known as Carbon. It can generate a static HTML site for uploading anywhere, or run dynamically.

Version 0.4 licenses the code as MIT, so anyone can build on top of the project. Cuttlefish now has API documentation courtesy of PHPDox, which is updated whenever code is changed. I've changed the code style from 'WordPress-like' to the PHP community default of PSR12. The project now comes with a Docker container which means getting up and running is even easier.

Install Cuttlefish is easy using the instructions. For a fuller list of changes see

Known issue:  I still have trouble getting Xdebug to work, if you're familiar with Docker Compose and Xdebug I could use your help.

For v0.5, now that the codebase is in a better state, I'm looking at adding more features again.


Going to have to investigate whether to improve Known or switch to another blogging system. How is WordPress when posting from mobile these days?


I've updated my upgrade script with the composer based installation method.


Updating Known

I wrote a quick and dirty script that sits in the parent directory of my Known site (updated now with the new composer setup). I'm using the following directory structure:


The offical Known git repository is checked out in html/. The config.ini and Uploads folder have been moved to the folder to sit alongside it.

The contents of the script can be viewed as a gist on Github:

It's not elegant but it makes updating to the latest Known changes pretty seamless. is now hosted on Known (


Gist: Pomodoro MediaPlayer

I was suffering from lack of concentration later in the workday, until I stumbled upon the Pomodoro focusing technique. I've been a lot more productive and in a better mood since I started using this two weeks ago:

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are known as "pomodori", the plural of the Italian word pomodoro for "tomato".

The method is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.

I created an AutoHotkey script that uses timers and a global hot-key I set for WinAmp to automatically stop and start the music after instructing me to work / have a break. It works really well for me.


Bard Released

Updated again (version - I have fixed all known bugs.

Changes since

  • instructions updated
  • Fixed problems remembering what directory we're working on.
  • Fix: now lists samples with mixed case or uppercase extensions
  • Removed tray icon
  • Menu item to AudioLibraryFolders now works correctly
  • Resizing now works as expected
  • Remember windows position and size between sessions

Download the latest version