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Link: explain cron job syntax, love it <a href=""></a><p>#status </p>


Happy holidays! My Workflow (iOS) flow to add recipe ingredients to reminders <a href=""></a><p>#status </p>


I'm providing my two factor authentication code to log into my password manager to provide the password into my social network account which asks me to provide a two factor authentication code, just to view an image. <p>#status </p>


<img class="alignnone wp-image-2693 size-full" src="" alt="" width="703" height="117" />

It is 2017 and we're still asking for 10 character alphanumeric passwords?<p>#status </p>


Embedding a video by pasting the URL into a WordPress post means the whole video loads (33mb!) on pageload! Great videos, bad service.<p>#status </p>


Fix iPhone lightning port disconnection issues by cleaning out the port with a tooth pick. If the inside isn't white then it's not clean.<p>#status </p>


Get about thirty percent more battery life and preserve your mobile data plan by deleting Google Hangouts from your iOS device.<p>#status </p>


@manton on iOS I can only post after attaching my WordPress blog even though I have a micro blog via Kickstarter?<p>#status </p>


WordPress blogging from my service! Yes.<p>#status </p>


iOS still needs so much work. :-(<p>#status </p>


Playing my purchased digital music across my devices is still harder than it ought to be in 2017.<p>#status </p>


It turns out an iPad might not charge using an extension lead but will when plugged directly into a wall socket.<p>#status </p>


Recognising Ogg Vorbis streams in WinAmp

I'm working on a side project where I am broadcasting an OGG Vorbis stream using Icecast. Google Chrome played the stream, and so did VLC, but WinAmp was unable to. It connected to the stream with an HTTP 200 status but could not interpret it.

As it turns out WinAmp requires the mount point to have a file extension for it to detect the stream correctly, so updating the mount point to stream.ogg instead of stream in the icecast configuration did the job.


After a while  Fusion Drives stop being fast when accessing files not recently modified as they are backed by 5400rpm drives.<p>#status </p>


Your job affects your mind. Disadvantage of being a developer: we must be so focused on the task at hand that we evict everything else from our memory.<p>#status </p>


I don't know what this implies.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2285" src="" alt="" width="336" height="416" /></a><p>#status </p>


Don't think you want to make it this simple to pipe potentially unsafe input to the shell  <a href=""></a><p>#status </p>


"From now on, our cars will more deeply understand that buses (and other large vehicles) are less likely to yield to us than other types of vehicles."<p>#status </p>


More projects should point to single tweets for conversation starting.<p>#status </p>


Listening to Under the Radar: 12 Represent yourself as your client does basically.<p>#status </p>