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Tip: keep a list of domains covered by security certificates and their expiry dates.<p>#status </p>


Tip: disable IFTT URL shorthening via account > preferences > URL Shorthening to post meaningful URLs to Twitter et al.<p>#status </p>


The more I think about modern blogging; the more I think the out of the box concept WordPress et al presents us is outdated.<p>#status </p>


Am totally into CSS backgrounds with partial transparent color overlay in the element above. Nicely ties the palette together.<p>#status </p>


Slack users: do you setup channels per project or per content type (build; errors)?<p>#status </p>


Interrupting ads are as bad in games as they are on websites.<p>#status </p>


Experiencing "Slack and the case of the missing emails"<p>#status </p>


Updated my microblogging .htaccess gist so if you used that yesterday please try again.<p>#status </p>


My status updates are now published to my own site first. <p>#status </p>