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How to install pip and pipenv properly on Ubuntu 17.10

Ubuntu 17.10 comes with python3 3.6.3 installed by default but not pip and pipenv. We can install install pip systemwide and pipenv into the user local bin so we can use all the convenience when working with our python projects:

wget -O /tmp/
sudo python3 /tmp/
pip3 install --user pipenv
echo "PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Sources: Installing Python 3 on Linux; pip installation; Installing pipenv; How to permanently set PATH on Linux

Update 9 Nov 2017: replaced curl with wget, thanks Peter


Fixing Samba network-share change notifications

Today a problem came up where the files on my Samba fileshare did not indicate to my Windows system that they were changed. Software that relies on this information such as TortoiseHG and SimpleLESS would not know that the file had changed. This was especially obvious with SimpleLESS which should take the .less file and process it, but wouldn’t.

It turns out that the cause of this is that on the linux system the system time was off by a large margin. Using Arbab Nazar’s article on setting up time synchronization fixed the issue and prevents it from reoccurring.


Setting up a VM based development system - Part 1

I recently set up a local development server running Ubuntu on VMware player. I thought it would be interesting to document the process and instructions so that it will be useful to others, and you can follow along / correct / improve this guide. On completion of this series you will end up with a complete LAMP local development system..

Installing Ubuntu

You will need:

Install VMware player (VMP). Restart the pc if necessary.

I’m installing the virtual machine on my USB harddisk, this way I can take my whole development with me on the go (home/work) - this is great because you only have to set all this up once, instead of on every machine you plan to use it on.

Start VMP and “Create a New Virtual Machine” and browse to the downloaded .iso. As part of the Easy Install Information write down the login:

username: __________ password: __________ 

Store the VM on your removable drive.

On the Specify Disk Capacity screen you will want to go higher than the recommended disk size, I chose double (40GB). Make sure you have enough free space available, check this before continueing. I went for double the recommended amount as I want to avoid to repartition later. Accept the other defaults and Ubuntu will start. Keep waiting as Easy Install is installing Ubuntu on your behalf.

If you are a chmod 777 user (jackpot settings), this is a great time to read up on file system permissions by reading the article series starting with “Linux File Permission Concepts” (click next in the summary, there are 5 articles in total):

After a restart the login screen appear and after a successful login you will see the desktop. Because we are going to install a bunch of software let’s make sure everything we already have is up to date. Start the update manager > Settings > Ubuntu Software > Other > Select Best Server. This will speed up downloads. Check again and install updates.

Time to read some more, btw have you created a new tag for all these bookmarks yet? When you are finished reading the above articles, here are some really good resources to read later:

You should now have a running Ubuntu system.



Slicehost Articles: Checking Linux file permissions with ls

Once you understand Linux file permissions, the next step on the road to enlightenment is learning how to check the permissions for a file or directory.

via">Slicehost Articles: Checking Linux file permissions with ls


Slicehost Articles: Linux file permission concepts

Linux file permissions are strange and wondrous things. Start down the path of understanding by looking at the core concepts behind them before moving on to practical applications.

via Slicehost Articles: Linux file permission concepts


Replace all copies of a file under Linux

Today, after making a change to a php file, I had to update all copies of this file with the changes. The following command will update all files with the same name. Note that this will only work as expected if the name is unique. A theoretically better way to do it would be to find all files with a certain hash.

Anyways, here's the linux shell command. First copy the updated file into the current directory (/tmp for example):

find /target_path/ -iname "some_file.php" -exec cp new_file.php '{}' \; updated for terminal use

After publishing the previous article about - the shell script I created to easily serve websites in development - I made some changes to make it easier to run it from the terminal, for example over ssh. I thought I'd share it with you.

One of the problems with the original script was that it was optimized for a GUI setting - ie. start the script by clicking on it from the desktop. However usually I want to run it from the terminal. I don't like typing so I added code to make the script available from any directory to the ~/.bashrc:

export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

Then moved it to that path and renamed it to shave another 3 characters off the syntax:

mv ~/Desktop/ ~/bin/serve

In addition I noticed that prompting which site should be served was just a workaround for commandline arguments, which are now added. It doesn't check that you entered an argument though. So the new script now requires you to specify which directory you want to serve: to serve the current directory simply run:

serve .

Latest script contents:

my_path=`readlink -f $1`
sudo rm /var/www
sudo ln -s $my_path /var/www
echo Now serving $my_path... - A shell script for serving sites

I am experimenting with using a Linux virtual machine as my web development environment of choice. I store the vm on a removable drive so that I can develop from any location, without having to setup a working environment. Previously I had to check out the repositories, setup a local webserver and I had trouble keeping things working, because every configuration change had to be applied in every location. Now it is all centralized and my life is simpler.

The aim is to make working on projects as easy as possible. I have all projects checked out in a folder called /var/sites. They are mostly PHP projects and because of my shared hosting environment they share a single apache configuration. How can I easily serve them? Having seperate virtualhosts for each project would result in me having to make manual changes on every location again, so this was not the way to go.

Instead I created a simple shell script that creates a symbolic link from the Apache's webroot to the project I am working on:

[gallery link="file"]

echo "Available sites:"
ls  /var/sites
echo -n "Type site to serve: "
read site
if [ -z "$site" ]
sudo rm /var/www
sudo ln -s /var/sites/$site /var/www


Rotate PHP logs

Our php.log was nearing 550MB so I was investigating how to rotate the logs. The easiest solution seems to be using logrotate (ubuntu linux) with a script like follows.

sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/php5
/var/log/php5/*.log {
   14 days
  rotate 14
  apache2ctl graceful

You can check the configuration by running logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.d/php5



Resume RSync until finished

I noticed a backup of ours did not finish and that the temporary file rsync uses was still listed. A quick google search indicated that rsync had lost its connection. Thanks to Ian Young's article on the subject rsync now resumes when cut off and hopefully the backup will complete now.