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For some reason OpenSUSE gave me a 25GB root logical volume, and left the other 150GB disk space unallocated. Partition Manager was happy to resize the volume while I was working on it. Thank you LVM.


Kwallet should really link to Kleopatra to clarify you need to create or link a GPG key to your keychain.


Howto install Cryptomator for OpenSuse

Linux is so userfriendly, so the rpm that can be downloaded is missing dependencies. However, I'm quickly becoming a fan of zypper and OpenSUSE's dependency handling, and comes to the rescue:

sudo zypper in cryptomator.rpm

Even though cryptomator made a mistake in signing part of the application, it can still be installed by pressing ignore. Are you sure you want to do that? It seems a bit crap for such an essential utility.


Installing Dropbox on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

Both the official RPM and the discover package failed for me due to missing dependencies, without specifying what those are. However the following worked:

sudo zypper install dropbox-cli
dropbox start -i
dropbox autostart


KDE’s ability to remove all panels continues the long-standing Linux tradition of shooting yourself in the foot.


opensuse progress: very nice guided partition setup, but was a bit taken aback about the text based WiFi setup prior to installation. Teaches me for trying the minimal install.


Had problems with software compatibility with Antergos so trying OpenSUSE tumbleweed now. RPM is a better supported format.


I'm taking the opportunity of Dropbox no longer supporting the Ubuntu 18.04 recommended file system (?!) to try out Antergos with KDE.


I miss having tildes in username URLs!<p>#status </p>


So I’m trying to make a tool that also happens to post to twitter but the way they want things to work means every user needs to apply to become a developer or I have to run a man in the middle webservice. Makes no sense.<p>#status </p>


So you want to become a neckbeard?

Having wasted too much time installing Ubuntu on a laptop recently, I thought it would be helpful for the future self to document the issues.


I'm seeing one or more of the following issues with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:
  • Missing text on the login screen
  • second monitor switching off
  • Hangs
  • Won't boot  directly into the OS
Install Ubuntu 16.04 LTS which is not a piece of garbage.
Migrate SSH keys from Putty to OpenSSH
What are the correct permissions for the .ssh folder? Typically you want the .ssh directory permissions to be 700 (drwx------) and the public key (.pub file) to be 644 (-rw-r--r--). Your private key (id_rsa) should be 600 (-rw-------). Lastly, your home directory should not be writeable by the group or others (at most 755 (drwxr-xr-x)).
How do I connect to our team networkshare automatically on startup?
sudo su
apt install cifs-utils
echo "//path/to/windows-share /mnt/team cifs credentials=/etc/samba/credentials,uid=1000 0 0" >> /etc/stab
cat > /etc/samba/credentials <<EOC
chown root.root /etc/samba/credentials && chmod 400 /etc/samba/credentials
Change the username and password appropriately verify your userid is 1000 with id -u UserName
I skipped  creating a passphase for my encrypted home directory, how do I do it now?  run "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase" in the terminal
How to stop the mouse sticking to the edges of the display
Can't install vagrant plugins Download vagrant from
nfsd is not installed sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
vagrant booting vms reports a timetout delete (rm) the IdentityFile mentioned in vagrant ssh-config

This document will get updated as I stumble and fix other issues.

App Alternatives

Clipboard manager
Remote connection manager
Google Drive
Phrase Expansion
Screen Recorder Kazam (, installs well with apt. Alternatively Simple Screen Recorder.



Wagtail on , on top of Django 2.1. Static files fixed by ./ collectstatic!<p>#status </p>


Policing by numbers, a great podcast: applies to all automated reporting.<p>#status </p>


A People Centred Web

Have you ever tried to leave a social network? Want to be free to move web platforms because your needs have changed? Perhaps you might no longer agree with the business practices employed by the service provider, or no longer see the value in paying for having content monetised.

Currently, this means you have to build up new social connections and can't move over your friends as they might not be on the new network. This is a dark pattern employed by the investor-heavy digital media giants to keep people siloed, making it easy to move in but burdensome to move out.

Social networks can then add messages and events on top, keeping the money making engine oiled with an persuasive analytics layer. Other places like media hosting providers where it seems a subscription fee supports the music uploaded to the system but causes artists to lose control over their fan base.

The silo is responsive and cushy yes, but ultimately the users are at the whims of the platform. I have accounts on hundreds of websites because every site wants to identify their users. Sites start their own network; to build things on top off.

It seems to me that it is very wasteful to keep building social graphs and user account systems when we can do so much better. Instead, have the person be in control of the people they interact with, and manage the information that is displayed to them!

Imagine launching a dashboard app that sits on your computer and is independent from any information sources. It's free of tracking and open source to us all and doesn't do too many things. It doesn't belong to anybody but yourself. It's just a window where information from friends can be shown in a timeline. It can connect to a friend's dashboard so you can stay in touch. Hey what's new? It manages who you follow.

Web services you visit can ask permission to add information on your dashboard. Want to see when concert tickets are available for your favourite artist? Allow them to display that. Allow the event provider to display dates of the next group meeting, and the music hoster to add in new tracks from that producer you follow.

Never again be stuck in a silo. Disconnect a source and attach another. A social reader for the new generation.


<p style="text-align: left;">There’s a great deal on for <a href="">Acorn</a> my favourite macOS image editor.</p><p>#status </p>


Close second gem of the day is PythonAnywhere this might just make it so trivial to start this music related project I’ve been thinking of.<p>#status </p>


Super find of the day: <a href=""></a>. Great tech, happily supported the iOS app.<p>#status </p>


It turns out I was trying to reinvent Trello with my todo list + notes mashup. But self hosted online, so instead signed up to Trello gold.<p>#status </p>


The <a href="">source to the website</a> is available on GitHub.<p>#status </p>