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OptimisticLocking SilverStripe Module Release

Some of you might be interested in my first ss module: silverstripe-optimisticlocking

This is a very simple module that prevents your site users from losing data. It works by by blocking the save process if the record changed since it was retrieved, preventing accidental overwrites. (user1 starts editing, user 2 starts editing, user1 saves, now user2 can't overwrite user1's changes). By default, Silverstripe lets you lose data by overwriting the record on save.

You might know that Pages benefit from versioning (so you can restore to a previous version), however by default DataObjects don't have versioning enabled so this module will come in handy then (AFAIK it's not trivial to enable either).

If feedback is good, I will try to add it to the SilverStripe modules list.