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I updated the "Auto-Update Nextcloud" post with a new version of the script to update the installed apps as well!


All my local shops have run out of hand gel sanitizer, but still have bars of soap available. It’s very weird as the latter is more effective in getting rid of dirt and virus from your hands.


I've written up my thought on my bookmarking setup:


My hackable blog framework is nearing a 0.4 milestone and I’m very excited to have containerised the project and added basic API documentation using phpDox. Sneak preview the master branch at


Added a quick example to the wp_schedule_event() codex page as all the examples provided are broken in some way.


I didn't know that Chassis extensions can be installed globally


Started something that potentially might simplify WordPress development.


I’m looking for a macOS tool that intercepts opening URLs and let me specificy regexes and associate them with browsers, so that when I open certain links from slack they always go into my project browser. Any ideas?


It turns out Breakmaster Cylinder's full discography ( is the perfect music to do creative work to.


Thinking whether to renew happens to be the best .log file viewer I've ever used, for any logs - not just macOs system ones.


>Some opt-outs may fail due to your browsers cookies settings. If you would like to set opt-out preferences using this tool you must allow third party cookies in your browser settings.

How to fail your GDPR legislation TrustArc / Truste. Consent is opt-in.


Saw on the news a train season ticket between Glasgow and Edinburgh is now £4200 a year. That’s £350 a month. For comparison, leasing a brand new Honda Jazz starts at £155 a month.


It seems that HomeBrew on Linux is a good way to install newer packages without having to trust PPA authors.


Pseudo elements and states are adding complexity to web design and are best uses sparingly. Every one adds a mode that must be tested individually and this adds up.


Going to have to investigate whether to improve Known or switch to another blogging system. How is WordPress when posting from mobile these days?


I start a zsh instance and I get interrupted by oh my zsh asking to update.


I ask homebrew to install a package and it starts updating formulas.


I initiate a new Github Pull Request on a forked repo and it default destination is upstream/master


I type a word and another word shows on the screen.