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Blocked Adsense to end bloggers revenue?

commerce Just been reading Gizmo's article on disabling Google's text advertisements. I'm realizing it has come this far: people have been increasingly annoyed by advertising on their favourite websites. N now even Google's textads are targeted because a small percentage puts the ads on the page people have become annoyed. So they disable the ads. That's their right.

However that leaves millions of bloggers without a possible revenue stream to support their writing so I am thinking what it can be replaced with. I've no idea. Personally I wouldn't donate to a website because I liked a certain article, donationware works best for 'tools'. I don't think I can get paid for putting legitimate search results underneath a post, which would be a benefit to readers, which is a shame. Subscription services go against the nature of the web (hiding content from public). I wouldn't buy a mug just because i read a website. Maybe that means that it's just too hard for an individual to recoup their costs?

That said, the majority of people will not have Adsense blocked. And I think the majority of bloggers don't blog for money, but because they like to discuss.

Credit: Photo by mwagner01


Rewarding feedback

Acquiring feedback on web projects can be harder than you'd think, especially when you're working on internal projects that don't get discussed on outside your organization. By making feedback a fun, easy and rewarding thing to do more people might be encouraged to help us and put in the effort.

I'm sure some of you are in a similar situation: you launch a project and silence follows. Trivial problems might emerge but a there's no general response to the long hours you put in. That makes it much harder to evaluate the project and set a schedule for future developments.

To help with this we've created a UserVoice page. Let's describe it as a digg-like FAQ. People are encouraged to leave a message, can vote on feedback they find important, and always have the full picture of what the development is focused on. Developers act on the consensus and theoretically will work on solving the most urgent issues.

Of course this model will work best when both users and developers care enough to communicate. So Uservoice is engineered to make it trivial to leave a message. It can be easily integrated into an existing site. Some functionality requires a user account, which is a stumbling block. But you can leave feedback without it, which is a bonus. Oh and it doesn't integrate with any bug trackers which is a shame.

Will it work and will there be enough participation? Ask me again in 6 months time. I'm not sure how to make it any easier though.


Radiohead - Nude by Epson, HP, Spectrum and Harddrives

James Houston, a Glasgow School of Art's graphic design graduate created a  live performance of Radiohead - Nude on a bunch of pc components. Very impressive.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Guitars (rhythm & lead)
Epson LX-81 Dot Matrix Printer - Drums
HP Scanjet 3c - Bass Guitar
Hard Drive array - Act as a collection of bad speakers - Vocals & FX


LSL tests: recursive function

It's good practice to make code easy to maintain, so sometimes you'll want to use less code using recursive functions. In order to find out how to this works in Second Life I created this small recusive example:

integer i = 0;
integer top = 0;
integer Monkeys()
    if (i <= top)
        return Monkeys();
        return i;
        llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        i = 0;
        top = Monkeys();

This script says monkeys an increasing amount of times every time you touch it by calling itself if and keeping track of the total amount of times the function is called. First time there will be 1 monkey, next time 2 monkeys etc. Find more products at our shop in Badmoon.


LSL tests: walking states

I had to create a simple script to turn a neon sign on and off. I decided to have both versions of the sign in a single texture and changing the offset with a script. Instead of using a timer and using llSetTimeout() instead I opted to pause the script for a small amount of time. The script does not respond when it's sleeping which should be less laggy then the timeout. All i do then at the start of a state is offsetting the texture to show the on/off alternatively.

        state off;

state off
        state default;

Hope this is of use to you. See the result in our Higher / Lower game at Badmoon.


Youtube Dreamweaver CS3 Tips

Brian Wood presents an excellent Dreamweaver tips video on Youtube. Many people just use DW as a text-editor but it's capable of a lot more even in code view. The following video might open your eyes:

Very nice.


Recommended: Instapaper

I'd like to start recommending webservices  and software that I use frequently. Any product recommended has been evaluated for at least several weeks. In today's recommended we feature Instapaper. (Recommendation articles are personal opinions with no benefit for the author)

What does Instapaper do? Instapaper facilitates easy reading of long text content.

We discover web content throughout the day, and sometimes, we don’t have time to read long articles right when we find them.

Instapaper allows you to easily save them for later, when you do have time, so you don’t just forget about them or skim through them.


Piracy and pc gaming

Interesting article regarding piracy and pc gaming:

Recently there has been a lot of talk about how piracy affects PC gaming. And if you listen to game developers, it apparently is a foregone conclusion - if a high quality PC game doesn't sell as many copies as it should, it must be because of piracy.

Now, I don't like piracy at all. It really bugs me when I see my game up on some torrent site just on the principle of the matter. And piracy certainly does cost sales.  But arguing that piracy is the primary factor in lower sales of well made games? I don't think so. People who never buy software aren't lost sales.

Is it about business or glory:


It should be free?

Should simple software be free:

During the chat, the entire MacBreak Weekly crew discussed the danger to the music industry that comes from younger listeners having a built-in expectation that music should be free.

On this episode I believe [Leo Laporte] has inadvertently helped to perpetuate the same kind of thinking about software that the panel had just finished expressing concern about with regard to music: the idea that the hard-earned fruits of somebody’s creative labor should be free.


Getting started with Powershell

PowerShell is a complete replacement for any of Microsoft's DOS or Windows command line interpreters. It is a full fledged object oriented system administration scripting language. With PowerShell knowledge you would run circles around any sysadmin that works predominantly from through the GUI, as well as be able to get Windows to do things that you just can't do through a GUI alone.


Games for Windows Live Marketplace likely

From Eurogamer: Unangst said Microsoft would "continue to invest" in Games for Windows, which apart from giving its games an Xbox Live-style service layer with friends lists, Achievements and the like, also insists that games be easy to install, support widescreen displays and include parental controls.

It all sounds promising. The one thing I was most impressed with on Xbox 360 is the whole integration and lack of configuration for games, if they can bring that to Windows Vista then a lot of people will be very happy.

Some ideas:
You can see how they could potentially take the experience index benchmarking framework and develop that into something that can adjust games visual quality, automatic updating and applying of patching without user intervention, matchmaking and the community features could all be very useful and add value to PC gaming. Even some sort of integrated anti piracy tool developed for Microsoft that doesn't rootkit your machine which would be less painful to consumers would also be an improvement over the current situation.


Tracklist @ Drome

Breaks Friday with Cloudseer @ the Drome! It's my new spot: 3pm-5pm PST! Start off your weekend with the best breaks mixed by live DJ Cloudseer Writer, with a little bit electro thrown in! Bring all your friends to the Drome :D

It was good, managed to cram in a lot of breaks in two hours!

# Title Artist
1 Rattle Ya Cage General MIDI
2 Bone Snow HELL, Sam
3 No Rockstars (Bass Kleph Remix) Hyper
4 Loving You (Atomic Hooligan Remix) - Ils Ils
5 Soul Of Man - Foxy Moron Drummatic Twins
6 Rusko v.s. the 80s Crendore
7 Jahova Rusko
8 Shake It Up (Hook n Sling Remix) Stanton Warriors
9 Slyde - Vibrate To This (Dt's Re-Edit) Drummatic Twins
10 Tell Me How You Feel (Kid Kenobi vs Rogue Element Remix) Krafty Kuts
11 Pop Ya Cork Stanton Warriors
12 Message 2 Love (Alex Metric remix) Sharam Jey
13 Plump Djs - Black Jack Drummatic Twins
14 Everybody Get Up (Circuit Breaker Remix) - Transformer Man Transformer Man
15 Cockney Thug Rusko
16 Good To Go General MIDI
17 Undertow feat. Patrick Scott - Oracle's Man Overboard Mix Summer Channel
18 Control (original mix) AUDIO DEALERS
19 Rock This Place General MIDI
20 Drummatic Twins - Feelin Kinda Strange (Bass Kleph & Nick Thayer Remix) Drummatic Twins
21 Shredder Far Too Loud
22 Da Virus Various Artists - XL Recordings
23 Pop Ya Cork Stanton Warriors
24 Turn It Loud General MIDI


Responsible browser vendors are hard to come by

Mike Davies works as a web developer for Yahoo Europe and has some insightful comments on the Internet Explorer rendering switch (see source).

When a user upgrades from IE7 to IE8, they will be upgrading from IE7 to IE7. When a user upgrades from IE8 to IE9, they will be upgrading from IE7 to IE7. Notice the trend. [...]
Effectively, with this meta tag proposal, Microsoft have either absolutely guaranteed that they will remain the dominant browser on the web, or it has sown the seeds for its ultimate destruction. If it's dominant IE7 will be the instrument to hold back all standards compliant progress, just like IE6 before it.

Source []

I can only agree. It seems to me the switch will result in better fitting websites, but not by using more standards. But I noticed this at the whole Eolas patent debacle: the IE team doesn't take enough responsibility regarding standards. Even though the code was fine they wanted developers to implement a javascript workaround for their own workaround solution in all their pages with embedded content. They didn't want to (or couldn't) pay Eolas so people now have to click to start embedded media. Even though it's a browser issue.

And the same happens in this case: if the browser vendor took its responsibility and improved its implementation, the whole issue  wouldn't exist for webdevelopers' if their sites written to standards (and valid) don't display properly. So the whole "the users have to be protected from broken pages" card is a smoke screen in my opinion.

Just be frank then: corporate partners costcutting is more important to Microsoft than the freedom of the web.


Top sites for inexpensive videogames

The following sites might prove useful if you suffer from a games addiction:


Improving someone's code

Don't call your submit button 'submit' if you want to change the submit event with Javascript:

If you do, the browser (please read “Firefox 1.5 or IE 6? - that’s what I tested at the moment) will consider submit is an object. And an object is not a function (although you might enjoy later on the paradox that a function is an object).

Source []


Wifi detector shirt

wi-fi-shirt All you need now is a mirror to see your own shirt:

This Wi-Fi Detector Shirt will detect Wi-Fi hot spots around you and will show you a signal each time it detects a working Wi-Fi spot.The Wi-Fi shirt will even show you the signal strength of the Wi-Fi hot spot around you and will animate the signal dynamically.

Source: Sizelopedia via Cybernetnews


Facts from Microsoft

Apparently they have not processed my 200+ logs I sent to them:

  • Windows Vista users generally experience 20 percent fewer application “hangs” than those running Windows XP.

Source (Microsoft)


Top 10 Crazy laws still in existence (uk)

  • It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament
  • It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down
  • In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store
  • Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day
  • In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter
  • A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman’s helmet
  • The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the king, and the tail of the queen
  • It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing
  • It is illegal to enter the houses of Parliament in a suit of armour
  • In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow

Sourced from BBC thanks to Cybernetnews



What it does
I made a small AHK script I thought you might want to use: AltTab Fingertips. Press a configurable hotkey (F10 by default), and get a menu at the mouse with all the current windows on it. You can exclude processes using the tray menu.

Many thanks to ak_ for creating "menu at cursor" idea with FileDraft, which inspired this. It's like alt-tab but quicker. A lot of code comes from my PutAside script.

Small screencast:

v1.3 - Recompile, shiny new icon, INI in the same folder as the script for portability!
v1.2 - startup message is now only shown once. Added "show desktop|restore programs" option to menu, (windows-d)
v1.1 - allows to exclude processes via system tray menu.

Download the latest version

Comments are welcome either here or on the related Donationcoder thread.


Discussing Oliver Rist of

Oliver Rist brings us the latest rant on Leopard not being as rock-solid as Tiger. His informative article *cough* starts like this:

I'm not sure what ticks me off more about Leoptard (I can't take credit for that nickname—some Brit coined it): the fact that so many of the semi-important changes don't work, the fact that Apple turned a stable OS into a crash-happy glitz fest, or that the annoying, scruffy Live Free or Die Hard actor infecting my TV (and our Web site, by the way) is pretending that Leopard is better than Vista.

Lesson 1: Any article that starts with a sentence like that is not journalism. I thought better of! Well not anymore. Between that and the sidebar enty "Why social networking stinks" pcmag just lost a lot of credit in my book. No thanks Oliver Ristard.

Thanks to the Donationcoder thread (yeah I am the user justice, I'm not ripping off other people's posts)