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PagerDuty Incident Response Documentation

PagerDuty open-sources its incident response best practices, this is an interesting reference for anyone doing work with an on-call element


Does social media contribute to a more isolated society? :
>“Calling someone is a bit daunting,” said one 18-year-old respondent in a survey on phone habits conducted by Ofcom. “It’s much easier and quicker to WhatsApp my friends. If I have to call a company, I’ll always try to use webchat if it’s available.”


Take note PES, via The Guardian:
>some players not only get their wages covered in full by the club they are joining but also receive a substantial sum on top.


Great blogging advice here


It’s nearly 2019. Coca Cola and other soft drink have showed us how to make a can that opens easily. Get with it tinned vegetables!


Install Python 3.7.1 on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

After another hour of resolving issues with pyenv and a personal project that requires Python 3.7 I thought it best to note the steps I used to install Python 3.7.1 on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed:

# Install requirements for compiling Python
sudo zypper in zlib-devel bzip2 libbz2-devel libffi-devel libopenssl-devel readline-devel sqlite3 sqlite3-devel xz xz-devel 

# Compile Python
cd ~/Downloads
tar xf Python-3.7.1.tar.xz
cd Python-3.7.1

# AltInstall ensures 3.7.1 is installed alongside your system python
sudo make altinstall

# Fix dynamic library loading
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib64/python3.7/lib-dynload /usr/local/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload

I've updated the Common build problems · pyenv/pyenv Wiki page to reflect the updated required packages. Thanks to Andrew Cooke for the dynamic library fix


A locally running browser integrated notetaking app with cloud storage syncing, instant search and markdown / file upload support you say?


Shoutout to Apple Maps. It’s got a lot smarter about rerouting during the last few months!


The Milk Chocolate Peanut

Aaron Gustafson wrote back in 2008:

Getting into the progressive enhancement mindset is quite simple: just think from the content out. The content forms the solid base on which you layer your style and interactivity. If you’re a candy fan, think of it as a Peanut M&M:

The Chocolatey Layers of Progressive Enhancement

JavaScript first websites have the peanut inside out!


Things I learn: APFS encryption is not FileVault. The former asks for a password at a time when the iMac doesn’t recognise the Bluetooth keyboard!


Today I put together a service management cli application together with templating using the click and jinja2 packages. Python ftw.


Protip: It turns out logrotate configuration files that are just using the rotate option do not delete older log files, only the logfile that is rotated out. This distinction matters when the rotate option is reduced and older log files are left around.


Installed Mojave: kept light side, decluttered recent items from the dock. Unsure on stacks. Everything is faster, delay in spotlight is gone. No finder actions in list + icon view is a bummer for automation. Still, an improvement to High Sierra. Some memory pressure on 8GB.


It turns out turning off all the retweets on Twitter improves my timeline massively: no longer does it get polluted by less relevant discussion and the tone is more balanced as well. I’ve also taken to replying instead of liking which is more meaningful.


Hide Trackbacks 1.1.3

Hide Trackbacks is a WordPress plugin that hides pingbacks and trackbacks from your website comments.

I’ve updated the plugin to indicate it works correctly with WordPress 4.9.9 and earlier. It's now also up to PHP 7.2 compatible, and has a number of small fixes to improve code legibility and alignment with the WordPress Coding Standards.


Transitioning to Gutenberg

The WordPress Project says:

The Classic Editor plugin will be officially supported until December 31, 2021.


Since the Classic Editor plugin is central in this transition, we are considering including it with upgrades to WordPress 5.0.

In the context of my professional work with WordPress it would be beneficial to see the Classic Editor plugin be included by default into the installation package. This would signal to plugin and theme developers that we are in a transition phase but supporting the existing installations, until Gutenberg is more fully accepted by the wider community. Not doing do could put pressure on smaller developers to just test their updates for Gutenberg only, resulting in a lot of broken sites or a security nightmare where people won’t be able to update to the latet versions of WordPress or their plugins until the teams and processes are ready.


Taking back control

Recently, I've come to the conclusion that it's the nature of realtime social media to cause drama and upset. In the search for ever increasing thirst for gossip, instant reactions are stimulated so heavily that  there is no time to research or read about the context of a story, and open discussion isn't possible when group mentality means we must be outraged or be part of the problem.

At the same time, people have never engaged so little with web content, being the metaphorical frogs in the pressure cooker of Facebook and Twitter that is modern society. We are the product that is monetised by the advertising dollars that demand page views in a broken system of inflatable viewership figures.

In the music scene, the illusion of hyper promotion and like-networking results in a feed of people and content I have little interest in following, in the hope that they will listen to what I have to say.

Pointless and bad for my health. So therefore I'm distancing myself more from social media now.

If you want to follow what I have to say about technology, read If you are interested in my music visit They will soon have a mailinglist and RSS feeds without advertising and like buttons.


For some reason OpenSUSE gave me a 25GB root logical volume, and left the other 150GB disk space unallocated. Partition Manager was happy to resize the volume while I was working on it. Thank you LVM.


Kwallet should really link to Kleopatra to clarify you need to create or link a GPG key to your keychain.


Howto install Cryptomator for OpenSuse

Linux is so userfriendly, so the rpm that can be downloaded is missing dependencies. However, I'm quickly becoming a fan of zypper and OpenSUSE's dependency handling, and comes to the rescue:

sudo zypper in cryptomator.rpm

Even though cryptomator made a mistake in signing part of the application, it can still be installed by pressing ignore. Are you sure you want to do that? It seems a bit crap for such an essential utility.